Religious Education
Director of Religious Education
Guadalupe Hurtado
Thank you for trusting us and choosing our Parish for the Religious Education of
your children. Our main objective is to transmit the Christian faith of Our Catholic
Church by being faithful to Jesus Christ and his doctrine; Therefore, we commit
ourselves to educate your children in faith with a quality education lived in the
middle of a family environment. Our catechists are prepared to develop their role
with quality and dedication, however, we remind you that the first educators and
transmitters of the faith are you, the parents; That's why your support is
unconditional for us; so, we ask you the maximum effort to give an example of
faith to your children, to help them to carry out the duties assigned to them by the
catechists, to attend the Sunday Mass and to comply with the rest of the rules
described in this manual since they are part of the religious education that we will
provide to your children. Thank you for being part of our parish family, for us it will
be a pleasure to carry out this mission that God and you entrust to us.
The Lord blesses you.